Great benefits from pineapple

Pineapple is a fruit so familiar to each of us Vietnamese. This shaggy, thorny fruit not only has a very delicious taste but also contains many nutrients and has many health benefits.

Control arthritis
One of the outstanding benefits of pineapple is its ability to reduce inflammation in joints and muscles, especially arthritis, a disease affecting millions of people around the world. Pineapple contains a relatively rare proteolytic enzyme called bromelain. This enzyme is involved in breaking down complex proteins and has a serious anti-inflammatory effect, thereby reducing the signs and symptoms of arthritis in many people.

Improve immune system
Just by eating a pineapple diet, you have over 130% of the vitamin C needed for the body daily. Therefore, it is not uncommon for aromatic to be one of the richest and most delicious food sources of ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C is primarily involved in reducing disease and boosting the immune system by stimulating the activity of white blood cells and acting as an antioxidant that protects the body against the harmful effects of free radicals. by. Free radicals are the dangerous byproducts of cellular metabolism, which can damage various organ systems and disrupt functions as well as mutate healthy cells into cells. cancer cell.

Good for tissue and cells
In addition to the above effects, the vitamin C in pineapple also plays an essential role in creating collagen for the body. This is why vitamin C is considered a specialized vitamin in healing.

You know, collagen is an essential protein component that makes up blood vessels, skin, organs and bones. The high vitamin C content in pineapples can heal wounds and body damage quickly, and help you prevent infections and diseases.

Preventing cancer
In addition to being rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant and cancer prevention properties, pineapple is also rich in other antioxidants, including: vitamin A, beta-carotene, bromelain, various flavonoid compounds and manganese content. high. This is an important combination with superoxide dismutase, a powerful free-radical corrosive that protects against a number of different types of cancer. Therefore, pineapple has the potential to prevent oral, throat and breast cancer.

Beneficial for the digestive system
Like most fruits, pineapple is also a good source of fiber. However, fragrances are special because they contain both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Pineapple can also protect you from health conditions including constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, atherosclerosis, blood clotting and blood pressure. Fiber can increase the amount of stool, help promote normal digestive processes and also stimulate the release of digestive substances to help dissolve food. Moreover, eating aromatic can help you limit loose stools, help reduce diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome. Fiber also helps clean the blood vessels, eliminating excess cholesterol, thereby promoting heart health.

Treating cough and cold
Vitamin C can boost the body’s immune system. In addition, a special enzyme in aromatic, bromelain, also has the ability to reduce sputum and mucus in the airways and sinuses.

Treatment of diseases related to blood pressure
Pineapple is a good source of fruits, especially potassium. Potassium is one of the most important minerals in our body, without it, your body could be endangered by a range of health hazards.

One of the most important functions of potassium is to dilate blood vessels, which means reducing stress, blood pressure and increasing blood circulation to different parts of the body. When blood vessels dilate, blood pressure in the body decreases and blood flow is less restricted. This can prevent clot formation and reduce plaque buildup in arteries and blood vessels. Therefore, there is no doubt that aroma can help you and your loved ones prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

Good for blood circulation
In addition, aromatic also provides the body with more copper, a mineral that plays an important role in some enzyme reactions and in the body’s compounds. Most importantly, copper is an essential element for the formation of healthy red blood cells. A high number of red blood cells increases oxygen to the various organ systems and helps them function most effectively. Copper also increases cognitive performance and is good for the nervous system, so it can prevent neurological disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

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